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sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2014

2nd Call for papers: Educational Transitions: Changes, Contexts and Geographies

**Apologies for cross-posting. Deadline for abstracts Monday 10th February 2014.**

2014 RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2014, London, 26-29 August 2014.
2nd Call for papers: “Educational Transitions: Changes, Contexts and Geographies”
Sponsored by the Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group (GCYFRG).
Session organisers: Dr Mark Holton (University of Brighton, UK), Dr Mark Riley (University of Liverpool, UK), Prof. Barbara Pini (Griffith University, Australia).

There has been a burgeoning of research, in recent years, seeking to articulate how geographical insights might inform educational research. Geographers have approached education from a number of perspectives, including a discussion of changing educational policies and their underlying ideologies, the internationalization and transnationalisation of education, as well as socio-cultural analyses of the rising importance of alternative spaces of education, education experiences and the emotional geographies of education. Running through these discussions have been calls for an ‘outward looking’ and ‘de-centered’ geography of education (Hanson Theim, 2009; Holloway et al, 2010) which reaches out to wider conceptual debates within geography and beyond. This session hopes to bring together various strands of work on the geographies of education, encourage further critical exploration of future agendas for this work, and explore various educational transitions.

These might include, but are not limited to:
New and alternative spaces of education
The [re]placing and transitioning of educational institutions
Multiple scales and sites of educational experiences

Educational identities
Retheorising ‘education’
Educational futures.

Please email a 250 word abstract to one of the convenors:


Deadline for submission Monday 10th February 2014.
For further inquiries or if you would like to discuss your papers before submitting, please contact any of the convenors.

Dr Mark Holton.
School of Environment and Technology.
University of Brighton

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